Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Current Obsessions

I'm taking an intermediate poetry writing class this semester and one of our recent homework assignments was to read a chapter of our book titled "Obsessions". In the reading, the author proposed the idea that all writers go through phases of obsession. This particularly resonated with me because I feel like it partially explained my obsessive nature. I have a tendency to let my mind become consumed with these obsessions. Natalie Goldberg, the author of our text (Writing Down The Bones) encouragers writers to make lists of their current obsessions, to get them out of the way of more salient thoughts if nothing else. So, I suppose I'm saying all of this as sort of a justification for why I do this. My current obsessions may be silly and frivolous but they're my thoughts and in order to become a more effective writer in other places, I should get them out. So, here it goes...

1.Thin Mints- It's that magical time of year once again...girl scout cookie season! I used to be a Girl Scout when I was younger and Thin Mints have always been my favorite. I have absolutely no will power when it comes to these cookies. Seriously, I've already bought 2 boxes. I think I have a problem.

2. The Black Keys- I can't get enough of this band, they're absolutely fantastic! I've been listening to them nonstop lately, their music is perfect for walking to class. They're playing a concert in Charlotte right before my birthday and I want to go so bad! I've spent the past 2 weeks not-so-subtly hinting at the boy to take me for my birthday. I'm fairly confident in my ability to wear him down so hopefully, come July, I'll be standing close enough to make the band feel like this.

3. Essie Nail Polish- Confession time: I love painting my nails. It's one of my favorite ways to relax and I pretty much always have my nails painted. I recently discovered the wonder that is Essie, just sitting all daintily at the end of the beauty aisle in Walgreens waiting to tempt a broke college student. It's getting to be a problem, I can't go to the drug store anymore without spending close to 10 minutes standing there ogling all the colors. And somehow, I always end up racing to the register with one of those precious bottles clutched in my greedy little hands. I think it's a nail polish induced adrenaline rush, or something equally sinister.

4. Freaks and Geeks- Am I the last person to discover how awesome this show is? Seriously though, it rocks! If you haven't watched it, you should probably do so immediately. Trust me you'll be this happy you did. 1990's James Franco, Jason Segel, and Seth Rogan playing teenage burnouts in the 1970's. It's impossible to not love this show.

So that's what I'm loving right now. I hope this has been at least mildly interesting. Is there anything you can't get enough of lately? Feel free to let me know in the comments!

Until next time,

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