Thursday, November 14, 2013


Outfit posts two days in a row? I know, it's crazy! I ended up with a couple of days off from work so I've had some extra time this week. It's been pretty great. I went thrifting, made pumpkin waffles, and (finally) cleaned my apartment. I figured I should get my place to a state of semi-organization before the holiday hurricane blows through and destroys everything again. I can't believe how quickly the holidays are coming this year. I went into Starbucks and it was like walking into Christmasland, fake snow and red glitter as far as the eyes could see. It's also been unseasonably cold here in good old NC, it actually snowed the other day! It was probably a bit too cold for leggings, but it's not like it's the first time I've sacrificed warmth for an outfit. This outfit is a bit out of my usual comfort zone but I really liked it. It was surprisingly comfy and it made me feel cool (which is an incredibly difficult task). It's easy to get stuck in the routine of what's comfortable and it's really nice to get out of that. Not that there's anything wrong with sticking to comfort, I just think that I've hit a point in my life where different is not only desirable, but necessary. I never thought I would look forward to change, but I am. It feels like a turning point and I'm excited to see where things go.

Sweater: Anthropologie
Top: Anthropologie
Scarf: Handmade
Leggings: Target
Booties: Payless (I think)
Necklace: Anthropologie
Watch: Fossil
Cameo Ring: Antique, Gift
Chevron Midi Ring: Urban Outfitters

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