Friday, July 19, 2013

How To Take Up A Pair Of Shorts

Hey guys! I'd like to start sharing some of my crafty projects here on the blog. I decided to begin my DIY posts with a simple tutorial for taking up a pair of shorts (this could also be used for pants, but I did shorts). So, here goes!

First, you need to determine the length you want the shorts to be. You can do this by either trying them on and marking the length or you can use another pair of shorts that you like the length of. If you choose the latter (like I did), make sure to match up the crotch seams (is there a less weird term for that?) not the waist lines. This is the best way to get an accurate finished length.

Next, you'll flip your shorts inside out and pin them up to the length you want. I used a measuring tape to make sure I got the hem even all the way around. If you're taking them up more than an inch or two, you'll probably want to trim off the excess fabric or fold the extra and do a double hem.

Your next step will be to start sewing! I just did an easy straight stitch but you can do something fancier if you're so inclined. I thought about doing an invisible hem but ultimately decided that it didn't matter so much on casual shorts like these. You could hem these up using a sewing machine or you could just do it by hand (which is what I did). I probably would've used my machine if I had it handy, simply because it's a little faster, but it's still back home right now.

If you're sewing by hand, just make sure you keep your stitches as straight and even as possible. It won't be perfect, but I kind of like the hand sewn look, I think it's a cute little detail. You can use a traditional matching thread color or you may want to do a contrasting color for a fun and unexpected detail.

Now, all that's left to do is wear and enjoy! I'll be sharing an outfit with these shorts in a few days, but here's a sneak peek just to show you guys what the shorts look like on.

I hope this was helpful! If you guys have any questions or suggestions, feel free to share in the comments.

Until Next Time,

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